Sunday, February 3, 2008

Cutting the side panels

After a little test run it was time to cut the side panels with the Jigsaw. I did one panel a time. When the first one was done, I traced it on the second panel of MDF (15 mm or 5/8" thick). It went surprisingly well. Ofcourse they are not exactly even but I'll have to sand them anyway. But that's up for tommorow, first I have to buy some clamps to hold the two in place so I can sand them together for the best result.

A pity I didn't stand next to the panel on the sideview photo. Else you would see it's actually a pretty small arcade cabinet that I am building. Unlike the more modern ones.

This part above needs the most sanding. Cut a little too deep in the upper panel (top right). And bottom left is not very even with the original (top) panel.

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